Hadar Eliash-Fizik

Faculty and Department: Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences

Research Topic: Effects of Exposure to Messages with Risk Behavior Detail (RBD) on Intentions to Drive under the Influence of Cannabis

Supervisors: Prof. Nehama Lewis (Department of Communication) and Prof. Sharon R. Sznitman (School of Public Health)

Prof. Lewis’s website – https://sites.google.com/hevra.haifa.ac.il/nehamalewis
Prof. Sznitman’s website – https://hw.haifa.ac.il/en/people/sph/sznitman

Research: My doctoral research examines the effects of exposure to media messages that contain varying levels of details about risk behaviors (RBD-Risk Behavior Detail) on audience intention to drive under the influence of cannabis (DUIC) and reported DUIC behaviors. The study uses a between-subjects online experiment with 900 participants and 14 conditions (2 waves, two weeks apart). Findings show that exposure to messages with high RBD may lead to an increase in viewers’ involvement in risky DUIC behaviors through perceptions of self-efficacy and response-efficacy to perform the behaviors. 

Relevant keywords: Social cognitive theory, Media effects, Self-efficacy, Media Campaigns

Hobbies: Research, Traveling, Hanging out with my family.