3 kinds of scholarships:

1. International Conference Participation Encouragement Scholarship– for scientific/ research/ professional conferences held abroad- For first to fourth year students in the regular track, as well as first to fifth year students in the direct track. Application forms accompanied by documents attesting to the student’s conference attendance and travel documents are to be submitted after returning from the conference. The scholarship is open for applications between 1.10.2024 to 1.9.2025.

2. Article/ Chapter/ Book Publication Scholarship– For first to fourth year students in the regular track, as well as first to fifth year students in the direct track Applications should be submitted after publication of the article/ chapter/ book and include a copy of the publication’s first page and a link to its webpage (if available). The scholarship is open for applications between 1.10.2024 to 1.9.2025.

3. Research Encouragement Scholarship– For first to third year students, pending on research proposal approval. Submission is allowed once during the PhD study term. The scholarship is open for applications between 3.11.2024 to 1.7. 2025. (beginning and end dates of academic year 2024-2025)
Application forms should be addressed to: ebeithal@univ.haifa.ac.il
CV form: CV form 

Israeli bank account update – (The form should be sent to Tuition fee section by email: AMT-Fee-Department@univ.haifa.ac.il).

Or at the link