Academic Monitoring

Cessation of studies
A student who wishes to cease his/her studies shall notify the Graduate Studies Authority in writing, with a copy informing the student’s department. A student whose academic standing is found to be insufficient after being checked by the M.A. Committee and/or the Dean of Graduate Studies, will have his/her studies stopped. All cessations of studies will be confirmed and undertaken by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Renewal of studies
A student whose studies had been stopped, (whether at the student’s own initiative or that of the department or the Dean of Graduate Studies) may apply to the Department M.A. Committee with a request to renew studies at the earliest one year after the cessation of the student’s studies. The committee will deliberate whether to recommend to the Dean of Graduate Studies that the student return to study and the conditions for granting the request. The Dean of Graduate Studies will discuss the request and decide whether to approve it.
A student who did not complete all the requirements for the Master’s degree after receiving an extension and whose studies were discontinued, may request from the Departmental M.A. Committee a resumption of studies at the end of a year from the day these studies ceased. Such a student will be allowed to complete his/her studies under the following conditions:

  • A student in a track that requires the writing of a thesis must submit the theses upon renewal of studies.
  • A student in Track B (final examination/a concluding work) must submit all assignments for the courses attended when renewing his/her studies so as not to be required to attend the same courses again.
  • Based on the University’s acceptance criteria and those of departments, in which the student studied, all courses for which the student received a passing grade will be credited to him. Such a student must obtain the approval of the Departmental M.A. Committee.
  • A student who ceased his/her studies for a period exceeding two years (but no more than five years) will be entitled to renew his/her studies upon the recommendation of the Departmental M.A. Committee and the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Renewal of studies will be in accordance with the procedure customary at the University and in the department at the time of renewal. It is recommended that in such a case, the Departmental M.A. Committee require that the student take refresher courses.
  • A student who ceased his/her studies for a period exceeding nine years and wishes to renew them will be considered as a new student and, as such, will be required to take the full curriculum of studies in force at the time of the renewal of studies.
  • Any deviation from these regulations requires the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Extension of studies

A Master’s degree student who did not complete his/her studies in the normative period and requests an extension of one semester or a full academic year will apply to the Graduate Studies Authority with a request specifying the reasons for this extension, along with a recommendation from the chairperson of the Departmental M.A. Committee. Students writing a thesis will add the supervisor’s recommendation, as well.

  • A student in the study track that requires writing a thesis may receive an extension for a fourth year in order to finish the thesis only if he/she has completed all attendance requirements, submitted all assignments, and obtained the approval of the Departmental M.A. Committee for the thesis proposal.
  • A Track B student (final examination a concluding work) may obtain an extension of studies for a third year only if he/she has completed all attendance requirements.
  • The Dean of Graduate Studies will consider every request and decide whether to give approval and for which period.
  • If a student’s extension request is not approved, the student may not continue with his/her studies.
  • No extension of studies will be approved for students in the direct Ph.D. track during their M.A. studies.

Leave of Absence

  • A Master student who requests a leave of absence for one semester or for a full academic year will apply to the Graduate Studies Authority with a request specifying the reasons for the leave, along with a recommendation from the chairperson of the Departmental M.A. Committee. Students writing a thesis will also add the recommendation of the advisor. A leave of absence will be given only to a full-time student during the normative period for Master studies.
  • The Dean of Graduate Studies will consider each request and decide whether to approve or to reject it.
  • An approved leave of absence is not considered for the purpose of calculating the duration of the normative period of study.
  • During a leave of absence, assignments may not be submitted for courses previously studied.
  • A student who does not return to his/her studies at the end of the leave of absence and does not notify the Graduate Studies Authority will be in a deficient academic standing.